My fascination for historical places and ruins of ancient
civilisations has taken me to different places in India and abroad too. I had
always wanted to see Mohenjodaro and Harappa which are now in Pakistan, and
when I was told that getting a visa to go there could be problematic, I
was quite disappointed. As soon as I came to know that the ruins of
Dholavira in Gujarat belonged to the Indus Valley Civilisation and probably was a city which was as big as Mohenjodaro, I planned a trip to this
lovely island right in the middle of the Rann of Kutch. Dholavira sounds like
the name of an exotic story, could be romantic, heroic or the name of some
famous person of some folklore. Turned out that the village closest to the ruins discovered in 1967
and excavated in 1990, was named Dholavira.
Dholavira is situated in the middle of nowhere. Oh yes, correction - it is situated on the Tropic of Cancer. The nearest inhabited place is a small town called Rapar, which is about 93 Kms away. The nearest airport is at Bhuj which is about 210 kms away. The road from Bhuj is good, except for a small stretch and as you reach Dholavira, on both sides of the road one sees vast expansive stretches of salt vista where nothing grows. Along the way from Bhuj onwards, we saw a lot of local tribal people in their traditional dresses, walking along the road or towards some local temple. To my eyes used to the uninteresting- almost drab clothes of the city folk, it was a lovely scene to be captured. Their dresses and their jewellery were quite unique, some shell bangles were almost like the ones worn by women 4,500 years ago.
Dholavira is located between the Mansar stream in the north and Manhar stream in the south, in the island of Khadir and is locally called "Kotada”(large fort). Ruins have shown that thousands of years ago this city was well planned, had monumental structures and had an excellent water management system. From the excavations one can observe that there were seven stages of this civilisation from development to maturity to decay. After the peak of civilisation in 2650 B.C. to 2100 B.C. when the city was abandoned either due to a massive earthquake or floods, to the 1900 B.C. when people returned with a de-urbanised culture and perhaps chose a more simple way of life. In 1400 B.C. the place was abandoned again, once and for all.
This excavated city of Dholavira is spread in about 120 acres and
was quadrangular, it measured 771 metres x 616 metres width and had a
fortification wall all around it. There was a Citadel in the east and
Bailey in the west. The Middle town was within the general fortification. There
was a granary towards the west and about sixteen reservoirs towards the
south of the fortification, of which six can be seen.
This city was most probably built after Mohenjodaro and Harappa as
the city was constructed according to a geometrical plan. The Citadel/Acropolis
and the Middle town as well as the Bailey where
important people lived had its own wall and gateways. Beyond the gateway is the Lower town where people
of lesser stature lived, they may have been the artisans. Most of the structures
and buildings are made of stone as against Mohenjodaro, Harappa and Lothal where
most structures were made of bricks. Saving the town from floods led them to
build their town at a much higher level, for which they built walls and a
platform over which they built their city.
As one enters the excavated space from the East side, one can see a
huge reservoir. There are steps which lead into the reservoir. As one goes
further up one can see a huge upright wall made of stone. The base is wider and
narrows as it goes up. As our guide told
us, " this was built like a pyramid", what he meant was that the base
was broad and narrowed as it went up to be the raised platform. On
top of this raised platform was situated the Citadel or Acropolis which had good built up area, a uniform street system, wells, large open spaces and was well fortified. Roads were broad, houses were in straight rows, there were big houses with rooms, halls, kitchen and best
of all en suite or attached bathrooms. Drainage system was in place and the city
looked quite well planned. The Citadel and Bailey where the richer people and
their officers stayed had double ramparts and a better defence system. People of
the lower town were not so well protected as they were beyond the walls.
There were three gates for entry into the City, the North,
East and West gate. On the south side no gate has been found so far. The
North gate was the most impressive gate as perhaps it was the main entrance. As
you entered through this gate there were two elevated chambers flanking the
sunken passageway which was connected with a L shaped staircase coming
down from the Citadel.
On top of this North gate was found the most ancient sign board of
the world. This sign board had ten characters made of gypsum fixed on a wooden
plank. Although the wooden plank has frayed, the signboard has stood the
ravages of time. It has been taken down and stored very carefully by the archeologists.
A replica of the same has been kept on top of the carefully preserved original.
It is amazing to look at the alphabets/characters, as one goes back to some
unknown times and unknown people who wrote that sign board. What did it
indicate will be known once the script is deciphered. The characters are 37 cms
high and the board on which it was fixed is 3 meters long.
As we walk in further away from the gate, we see the base of
two pillars on both sides. The base of the pillars are made of highly polished
stone and are square in shape. Above this square base is another highly
polished base which is circular and most probably housed the pillar which may
have gone up to the ceiling.
As we walk up the stairs we enter the citadel area and
come across residential quarters.
Nearby is the bathing room, which has steps descending inwards.
Water, the lifeline of mankind, was treated with the deference that it
deserves. The efficient system for conservation, harvesting and
storage of water speaks eloquently about their advanced hydraulic engineering.
It is indeed amazing to see the system that they adopted.
saw 6 reservoirs inter connected at the south side of the town. These
reservoirs are unique and are the earliest water conservation system of
channels built by stone masonry. There was a natural incline in the
landscape, which was used to their advantage by the people of those times.
While most reservoirs were lined with stone, in some places natural rock wall
has also been retained. These reservoirs are about 7 meters deep and 79
metres long and are cut through stone
vertically. The reservoirs were made at different levels and water
inlet and outlet drains were placed in such a way that the sediments would
settle at the bottom of the reservoir and the clear water would go forth to the
next reservoir. Thus the water would pass through five more reservoirs and the
sediments would keep settling at the bottom of each reservoir. There was
therefore filtration of the water.
The museum at Dholavira houses a lot of material that has been
found here. Jewellery made of agate, jasper, steatite, shell, gold and silver
were found. Beads, earrings and bangles made of gold have also been found.
Carnelian beads were very popular, agate was heated to change the
colour to red or deep orange and then drilled with a stone drill and then the beads
were etched to make patterns. A small pot containing beads made of semi
precious stones and other material was found in a drain at Dholavira during
excavation. Some of the beads found were 1mm to 3 mm. in length and 1mm
diameter with perforation.
Shell was found in abundance here as it was close to the coast and
was used extensively for making bangles, inlays, beads, ladles, vessels,
pins and also for engraving. They used a bow of copper wire and circular saw of
bronze for cutting and making grooves.
The museum houses pottery, seals and weights made of stone with
rounded edges. Terracotta pots, tumblers, grinding stones and mortars were also
found in a very large number. Terracotta drain, tiles too have been found.
Observing the ruins of an immensely advanced civilisation left me
feeling very thoughtful.
Over a period of time the urban features of the city changed into a
de-urban pattern.
A planned city seemed to have become unplanned.
What could have happened?
We go by the general premise that progress goes forward and there is always
improvement in facilities but what I saw at Dholavira made me become philosophical-it does
not always happen like that.
Suniti Varma said,”You took me back in time Dear Varsha Aunty with your beautiful & interesting description of this place ..... Very well written ... It was a delight reading it ...”
Varsha your travels in Gujarat has been fascinating. You have enough material for a book. Hope you do come out with it. All the best
T C A Ranganathan said,”Extremely well presented . You should write a travelogue of historical places as a book”
Ramesh Mehta said,”Varsha. After reading your blogs, I am convinced that you wasted your precious years in balancing bank's clean cash, which in any way was never clean. Such clear and lucid presentation. We relived moments of our visit.
One omission , role of your dear hubby in making this visit a success without whom this visit would not have been possible in the first place. No male chauvinism, but recognition of little credit where it is rightfully due😃😃😃😃👍👍👍👍👍”
Pijush Das said,” Varsha.... Well written..... Thanks wonderful writeup.....Where is the next journey to?“
Moumita Mukherji said,”Loved your blog detailed”
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